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We have fixed price structure across india. you can choose to pay Monthly / Half yearly / Yearly

WRKFLOW Automation System


Monthly Plan

✅ Dashboard

✅ Reporting

✅ Automation

✅ Calendar Management

✅ Unlimited Users

✅ Unlimited Members

✅ Email Automation

✅ Manage Permissions

✅ Unlimited Web Pages

✅ Unlimited workflow

✅ Unlimited Pipelines

✅ Social Media Integration

✅ Store unlimited Database

✅ Payment Integration

✅ LMS - Build courses

✅ Manage Reputation

✅ Chat Widget

✅ System Support

WRKFLOW Automation System


6 Months Plan

✅ Dashboard

✅ Reporting

✅ Automation

✅ Calendar Management

✅ Unlimited Users

✅ Unlimited Members

✅ Email Automation

✅ Manage Permissions

✅ Unlimited Web Pages

✅ Unlimited workflow

✅ Unlimited Pipelines

✅ Social Media Integration

✅ Store unlimited Database

✅ Payment Integration

✅ LMS - Build courses

✅ Manage Reputation

✅ Chat Widget

✅ System Support

WRKFLOW Automation System


One Year Plan

✅ Dashboard

✅ Reporting

✅ Automation

✅ Calendar Management

✅ Unlimited Users

✅ Unlimited Members

✅ Email Automation

✅ Manage Permissions

✅ Unlimited Web Pages

✅ Unlimited workflow

✅ Unlimited Pipelines

✅ Social Media Integration

✅ Store unlimited Database

✅ Payment Integration

✅ LMS - Build courses

✅ Manage Reputation

✅ Chat Widget

✅ System Support

The best

System to Organise Your Unorganised Business

iConzept Business Automation is one of the best system to organise your un organised Business. handling all department in your business becomes very easy and effortless, right from Lead Generation to Sales Marketing, production, service, to collecting customer review . All in one place. Best suitable system for Any Businesses like Manufacturing, Service Industry, FMCG, Coaching industry, Network Marketing etc..

Start Selling Online -

E-Commerce (Shopify)

Manage all your Opportunities Open, Closed & Lost , Pipeline Value, Team performance Task management, etc..with all in one Smart Dashboard


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